Wind power in North Dakota today:
- Before modern power grids, small wind generators would produce power for individual homes and farms (see image 1). In recent years, wind power is again being used to generate electricity in North Dakota.
- North Dakota has a strong and endless supply of wind. But the wind is also intermittent, which means that it doesn't always blow. (See Image 2)
- Modern technology has made wind a more practical method of producing electricity.
- Giant wind turbines generate more than 20 percent (2017) of the state's electricity.
- More than 1,500 (2017) wind turbines are located in North Dakota.
- North Dakota ranks 11th in the country for the number of wind turbines in the state. Visit the U.S. Geological Survey to see where the wind farms are located in North Dakota.
- More than 1,500 (2017) wind turbines are located in North Dakota.
- Giant wind turbines generate more than 20 percent (2017) of the state's electricity.
How a turbine converts wind to electricity:
- A wind turbine has blades that spin when pushed by the wind. The blades are connected to a low-speed drive-shaft.
- The low-speed drive-shaft turns when the blades spin.
- The low-speed drive-shaft is connected to a gear box.
- Gears in the gearbox cause another drive-shaft to turn at a high rate of speed.
- The high-speed drive shaft is connected to an electrical generator.
- The drive shaft turns at a high speed inside the generator to produce electricity.
- Wires going down inside the turbine tower carry the electricity to a transmission line.
- A group of wind turbines is called a wind farm
- North Dakota ranks third among the states for the percentage of electricity generated from wind power.
- Electricity from wind farms is carried by transmission lines to the electricity grid. Reference to "BSC Energy Flow" Tool
- The electricity grid is a network of connected power lines that carry electricity throughout the United States.